12 vikurNámsskeiðs gjald
kr 75.000
Námskeiðið Inngangur að grundvallaratriðum markaðssetningar veitir nemendum nauðsynlega þekkingu á markaðssetningu og stafrænni markaðssetningu, sem gerir þeim kleift að skilja áhrif markaðssetningar á kaupákvarðanir neytenda. Þetta námskeið er tilvalið fyrir nemendur með miðlungs- eða grunnþekkingu á markaðssetningu. Námskeiðið hjálpar nemendum einnig að öðlast nauðsynlega markaðsmiðlungsþekkingu og færni til að takast á við námskeið fyrir lengra komna sem John Greene stendur fyrir í janúar 2025, Markaðssetning á samfélagsmiðlum.
Námskeið er í fullu fjarnámi og er 12 vikur. Þátttakendur þurfa að hafa ensku kunnáttu til þess að lesa, hlusta og gera verkefni.
Hagnýtar upplýsingar
This course provides students with essential knowledge of marketing and digital marketing, enabling them to comprehend the impact of marketing on consumer purchasing decisions.
This course is ideal for students with intermediate or basic knowledge of marketing. This course also assists students in gaining the required marketing intermediate knowledge/skills to tackle my more advanced Facebook & Instagram Marketing Course.
Fyrirkomulag fjarnáms
The course is a fully online course with pre-made videos presentations by the lecture and practical walkthrough videos. There are no video conference calls planned unless requested.
The course work is completed by each student individually.
Fyrirlestrar eru settir inn sem hver nemandi horfir á þegar honum hentar sem og gerir verkefni sem sett eru fyrir.
Learn about the impact of marketing on consumer purchasing decisions.
By the end of the course, the student will:
Gain an understanding of fundamental marketing and digital marketing theories and techniques.
Understand and develop value propositions that are applied to achieve fit between consumers’ needs and companies’ offerings.
Understand consumer behaviour and decision-making in order to map out the consumer journey and evaluate the impact of marketing on consumer decisions and journeys.
Be able to understand and apply campaign marketing techniques that connect with consumers.
Work with an example brand to complete course tasks and apply marketing and visual marketing techniques.
Develop the basic visual skills to generate appealing promotional social media marketing videos (TikToks) that engage consumers.
This course is ideal for students with intermediate or basic knowledge of marketing. The course is a fully online course with pre-made videos presentations by the lecture and practical walkthrough videos.
English Language Proficiency required. All lectures are carried out in English.
Students should have access to a smartphone and laptop or tablet.
The course runs from August 19th until October 30th.
Students have the possibility to complete the course at their own pace.
The course can be considered a 3-credit course which equates to 78 hours of work (ath að námskeiðið er þó ekki einingabært heldur er þetta viðmið um vinnuna á bakvið námskeiðið).
Student Workload
Guidance by lecturer: 0 (a forum will be available in the course learning environment to assist students)
Lessons in the form of videos/presentations/walkthroughs/extra material etc. (self-directed learning) 5 hours
Quizzes & Content Tasks: 10 Hours
Other Self Directed Learning: 63 Hours
*Content & timing may change depending on feedback & progress.
Smelltu á myndina til að sjá nánari upplýsingar um kennarann.
Verð á námskeiðinu er kr. 75.000.
Mundu að kanna þinn rétt hjá starfsmenntasjóði þínum.
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