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Responsible Leadership and Management in the Global Environment
20 credits
Leadership and management in todays’ dynamic global environment is a complex practice. It not only requires the successful operation of the many and varied types of organisation and their interactions, it also requires a deep understanding of the needs and values of a wide range of stakeholders that may come into contact with or be affected by those operations and interactions. It is widely agreed that organisational legitimacy comes from a responsible approach to leadership and management, but legitimacy is not the only concern for business. Businesses must maintain competitive advantage whilst “doing no harm” and organisations such as the UN Global Compact argue that the confluence of business and the major global issues of today present opportunities for organisations to “do good” and in doing so to create strategic advantage whilst helping to create a prosperous global society. This module aims to explore these issues whilst also addressing the critical question of “how”.
Allane Hay
Research for Business
20 credits
This module seeks to prepare students for reading, writing and analysing research at Level 11. It will help students to identify the importance of research within the Business context, and aid them in identifying appropriate and valid research material from the plethora of online sources now available. The module will guide students to critically evaluate the articles they read, and translate this into synthesised and analytical written work.
The module will guide students to complete a robust Research proposal through the exploration of a range of research philosophies and apply them in the business context; and critically evaluate their associated methodologies. The module will conclude with preparing students for gathering, presenting and interpreting data in order to analyse its overall contribution to the relevant
research field.
Xiaoling Wu
Allane Hay
Sara O’Hagan
Sarah Sutherland
Growth and Opportunity through Innovation
20 credits
This module will encourage students to develop a critical understanding of growth and entrepreneurial mind-sets and assess their role in supporting personal development and socially and environmentally responsible business growth.
It will introduce a number of contemporary tools designed to foster innovative and creative thinking in globally diverse business contexts. Students will be required to test and reflect on the effectiveness of at least one such tool through practical application, by scoping a change to an existing business model or proposing and justifying a new business model within an industry and/or country of their choice.
Nuria Camps PE01NC
Sara O’Hagan PE01SO
Xiaoling Wu PE01XW
Change for Sustainable Futures
20 credits
This module will consider the concepts of ‘sustainability’ and ‘sustainable development’ with specific reference to the business context. It will consider the key social, environmental and economic challenges facing the world and the drivers, pressures and trends that exist at a global, international and local level.
These issues are complex, uncertain and characterised by personal resistance to change and the module will examine the implications of this in terms of how organisations and individuals respond effectively. The module will also focus on how to manage change effectively and deliver successful outcomes whilst exploring the key aspects of change at an organisational level. The module will provide students with the opportunity to critically evaluate their own organisation and the challenges it faces in delivering sustainable change and develop solutions to specific organisational problems.
Allane Hay MO10AH
Sara O’Hagan PE01SO
Xiaoling Wu PE01XW
MBA Research Project
60 credits
This module aims to provide students with the opportunity to undertake a detailed investigation of one area or topic within the business and management field.
The student is expected to demonstrate they have an understanding of appropriate techniques sufficient to allow detailed investigation into relevant business and management issues and are able to analyse and synthesise theory, policy and practice in relation to the chosen topic and a specific organisation situation.
The research project will provide the student with the opportunity, where appropriate; to demonstrate application of knowledge and skills developed through the MBA programme and to demonstrate they have the academic capability to undertake a major piece of research and provide recommendations for action based on a sound and critical analysis of data.
It is expected that the student will demonstrate creativity in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to develop and interpret knowledge in business and management
This module will enable the student to acquire and analyse data and information, to evaluate their relevance and validity, and to synthesise a range of information in the context of new situations. The student will also be able to extrapolate from existing research and scholarship to identify new or revised approaches to practice.
In undertaking the module the student will demonstrate an ability to conduct research into business and management issues that requires familiarity with a range of business data, research sources and appropriate methodologies, and for such to inform the overall learning process.
The report will explicitly show conceptual understanding that enables the student to: evaluate the rigour and validity of published research and assess its relevance to new situations.
Allane Hay MO10AH
Jill Elder PE03JE
Nuria Camps PE01NC
Sara O'Hagan PE01SO
Sarah Sutherland
Xiaoling Wu PE01XW
Operations Management
20 credits
The ability of the organisation to excel at what it does depends on it being able to harness its capabilities and resources. This includes the processes that differentiate it from its competitor which may include lean production, agile manufacturing, product customisation etc.
This module is designed to provide students with the necessary skills to manage their operational activities effectively and to ensure that they are closely aligned to the strategic objectives of the organisation. The module aims to develop an understanding on how operations strategies can be devised and implemented.
Sara O'Hagan PE01SO
Xiaoling Wu PE01XW
Corporate and Competitive Strategy
20 credits
This module looks at the differing perspectives and theories among academics and practitioners in the field of strategy. It aims to give the student a broad view and understanding of the strategic management process and how it can be applied to organisational and
industrial contexts. As well as exploring a range of strategic analysis techniques the module explores the content of particular strategies and the factors influencing strategy development within organisations. It will also enhance analytical, problem solving and decision making skills.
This module should be delivered in the context of the qualification to which it contributes. Relevant examples, scenarios and case studies will be utilised throughout to contextualise the module for the student. This will allow the student to explore the area of study in relation to their own industry/sector.
Nuria Camps PE01NC
Supply Chain Management
20 credits
The module explores how the competitive global business environment is constantly changing, and the role of supply chain management in meeting the challenges raised. This module will present you with the fundamental principles of contemporary supply chain management and sustainable supply chain management
within a business context.
You will develop the ability to apply strategic thinking to contemporary issues of risk impacting on the 21st century supply chain and it’s associated Networks. You will be equipped with a thorough understanding of the supply chain management concepts and principles to analyse and design effective supply chain operations to achieving sustainable competitive advantage.
Nuria Camps PE01NC
Sara O'Hagan PE01SO
Xiaoling Wu PE01WX
Accounting and Reporting for Decision Makers
20 credits
The module provides an exploration of key senior managerial requirements related to accounting and financial reporting and will develop an appreciation of the relevant issues, including social and environmental accounting, from a commercial and not-for-profit perspective. The module will explore the approaches in different cultures to the presentation and interpretation of financial information on a local and global scale, giving consideration to the limitations of financial reports and statements. It will consider how internal financial information can best be used to support business performance, inform decision making and thinking from strategic to operational level looking at the current issues and developments in this area. The module will explore current principles, trends and tools related to corporate finance and investment, examining how they can best be used to support managerial decision making and problem solving. The module will in addition explore business finance issues exploring both the investment decision itself alongside consideration of risk, uncertainty and sustainability whilst considering the best options for the business to facilitate growth.
Sarah Turnbull PE01ST
Sara O'Hagan PE01SO
Strategic Marketing
20 credits
To provide students with a detailed knowledge of marketing tools and techniques and planning in order to assess, develop and implement appropriate marketing concepts and propositions in a variety of different marketing scenarios. Marketing is constantly changing and evolving at a rapid speed and this module is designed to allow students to explore current trends and innovations which are
relevant to marketers within the organisation both in a national and international context. The module will explore the impact of technology, for example, social media mechanisms and the significance of this in a marketing strategy. It is also important to consider that marketing practices are not set in time and new developments have a great impact on organisational activity. This module is designed to expose the student to concepts, theories and ideas and allow practical application of these to a range of organisations.
Dawn Hayes PE11DH
Understanding Social Media
20 credits
The rapid and widespread adoption of smart phones, such as the iPhone, and social media such as the Google, Wikipedia, YouTube and Facebook has been a significant feature of many contemporary societies. Social media applications, which enable millions of individuals worldwide to socially network, blog, share video and photo images, collaboratively filter content, tag and annotate or participate in multi-player games, are increasingly becoming routine activities for many people. There can be little doubt that the consequences of the emergence and diffusion of this latest generation of media technologies are both fascinating and profound. Social media through its networking structures and individualising processes shapes the potential for new forms of communication practices that have the capacity to transform the cultures of business, politics and the social world. This module aims to stimulate the student to engage in a critical understanding of the emergence and potential impacts of social media.
Sara O'Hagan PE01SO
Russel Hunter PE04RH
Aviation Crisis & Active Safety Management
20 credits
This module investigates the issues required to formulate and implement a crisis and active safety management strategy that is appropriate to a company involved in today’s air transport operations. The module analyses and evaluates the engineering and legislative requirements involved with implementing safety management and how risks, accidents, incidents, human factors and other operational issues could impact on an aviation company’s business survival. Requirements of corporate and individual accountability, nomination of an accountable manager and the promotion of a corporate safety culture are investigated; including the provision of a safety crisis management strategy and an emergency response plan. The module also investigates how typical aviation incidents and accidents are handled by a company to enable its continuing operations.
Xiaoling Wu PE01WX
Claudia De Oliveira Vasto PE02CV
Airport Infrastructure & Ground Operations Management
20 credits
This module provides students with the knowledge, understanding and skills required of personnel working in the aviation industry within the airport asset/infrastructure and ground handling operations sectors of the industry. The modules analyses and evaluates all aspects of airport and ground operations processes, management practices, and regulations as well as the inter- relationships with airline operators that ensures that airline operates effectively and efficiently along with the financial, economic and business risks associated of a company operating in a highly competitive business market.
The module will also investigate the drivers and constraints influencing performance, growth and economical sustainability of airports and ground services companies within this sector of the aviation industry, including reaction to issues such a bad weather, aircraft problems, security, environmental impact and the management of safety.
Claudia De Oliveria Vasto
Sustainable Land Use and Renewable Energy
20 credits
This module will provide an overview of land use and renewable energy concepts and activities which relate to sustainable development in rural communities.
Module material focuses on opportunities for improving the sustainability of ‘traditional’ rural land uses and new opportunities for land uses relating to renewable energy.
Research aim: To review and analyse knowledge and issues relating to land use and renewable energy and rural community development, with a focus on both opportunities for improving the sustainability of ‘traditional’ rural land uses and opportunities for land uses
relating to renewable energy.
Rosalind Bryce PE05RB
Water Management
20 credits
The module aims to develop an understanding of water resource systems and integrated catchment management approaches which are crucial for sustainable mountain and rural development.
Richard Gosling PE11 RG
Sustainable Deer Management
20 credits
This module will explore the role and position of deer in the Scottish Highlands from sustainable rural development and integrated land management perspectives. Deer are a keystone species in shaping the ecology of mountain environments. They are also a national resource. ‘Sustainable deer management’ is essential to optimise the multiple public and private benefits associated with deer, whilst minimising negative impacts. Sustainable deer management means managing wild deer by taking account of the full range of environmental, social and economic factors. This module will explore the montane ecosystem context for deer management planning and deer ecology and behaviour. The module will also explore deer population modelling and cull target setting as well as maximising the economic benefits of deer through paid stalking, eco-tourism and venison marketing. Collaborative management of deer, through deer management groups and wider social impacts and benefits of deer management will also be explored.
Rosalind Bryce PE05RB
Biodiversity Management
20 credits
The module explores the methods by which biodiversity management can be achieved, considering strategy and policy at international, regional and local level and implementation. It examines the theories and scientific principles which underpin implementation. The module also critically considers the importance and effectiveness of biodiversity management in the context of sustainable development.
The aim of the module is to provide students with the opportunity and tools to understand the scientific principles underpinning biodiversity management and critically assess how effectively biodiversity management operates, particularly in the context of sustainable development.
Melanie Smith IN16MS
Rosalind Bryce PE05RB
Matt Curran IN18MC
Renewable Energy Technology
20 credits
The module aims to develop the ability to critically evaluate energy needs and different renewable energy technologies as well as the decisions about which technology or technologies should be adopted for what purpose and at what scale (local, regional or national). As part of that critical evaluation students will be expected to understand how resource assessment can be undertaken and the economic case for different technologies may depend on scale and on geography as well as on the technology itself.
Desislava Todorova
Developing a Community Energy Project
20 credits
The module aims to develop the ability to critically examine community ownership of energy, evaluate existing community energy projects and to understand how to develop a new community energy project.
As part of the evaluation students will be expected to create a development plan for a community energy project.
Desislava Todorova
Tidal, Wave and Future Energy
20 credits
The theory and practice of commercial exploitation of wave and tidal energy are examined. The sources of energy are explained and the size and location of the available resource discusses. The engineering challenges and environmental consequences of energy extraction are considered. Hydrogen and batteries as energy carriers is also examined as is the potential of nuclear energy.
Philippe Gleizon
Transition to Net Zero
20 credits
This module will examine how greenhouse gas emissions arise as a result of fuel use for space heating, electricity generation, transport, manufacture (some processes generate carbon dioxide in addition to fuel use), construction, waste management and also through agriculture and land use. How greenhouse gas emissions are assessed with be examined using the literature and by contrasting a range of carbon calculators used to estimate carbon footprints. An examination will be made of that output and given those figures, how reductions can be made in greenhouse gas emissions through, energy efficiency, changing fuels
(eg using renewable rather than fossil fuels) and through changing behaviour. It will also examine what changes need to be made to enable a transition to a Low Carbon Society and what might be achieved in the short, medium and long term and assess the economic and social impacts of developing a low carbon society.
Desislava Todorova